Reproductive Health Education Materials

Human Growth & Development

The Greenville Public Schools Board of Education has approved a program of instruction in human growth and development. As a component of this program, lessons in reproductive health are offered from 4th grade through high school levels. A district committee composed of parents, community health professionals, clergy, teachers, and administrators developed this component over the last few years.

Promote overall health and well-being of student

The purpose of reproductive health education in Greenville Public Schools is to promote the overall health and well-being of students and provide health guidance to promote a better understanding of physical growth, psychosocial and psychosexual development, and the importance of becoming actively involved in decisions regarding personal health care.

Parents may review materials

According to the law (PA 226 of 1977) parents have the right to review the materials and preview the films that will be used for A.I.D.S. and Reproductive Health.  All materials are available on this website or at each school upon request.

Parents may excuse child from participation

All children are eligible to participate in this curriculum. By law, parents have the option to excuse their child from participation in class during reproductive health instruction. If a parent chooses this option, we ask they please send a written note to their child’s teacher or mail the request to the school's office. If excused, the child will receive no penalty and will be given other school work to complete while videos and lessons are presented.

Reproductive Health Guidelines and Curriculum Descriptions

4th Grade Health Guidelines and Curriculum

5th Grade Health Guidelines and Curriculum

6th Grade Health Guidelines and Curriculum

7th Grade Health Guidelines and Curriculum

8th Grade Health Guidelines and Curriculum

High School Health Guidelines and Curriculum

Reproductive Health Curriculum Materials

*All curriculum materials originate from the Michigan Model for Health except 6th grade, 8th grade, and some high school lessons which use the WIlling to Wait: Healthy You program. Some materials have been added or deleted from the prescribed programs in order to further meet the needs of our students.

Resource List - Important list of local community health resources for students and parents with addresses and phone numbers.

Reproductive Health Vocabulary List - List of terms and topics allowed for dialogue or discussion at the discretion of the teacher (for teacher use only - not able to be viewed by students). Topics are for allowable discussion items only; many terms/topics are not specifically taught in curriculum lessons.